Happy 2019: A Productive, Prosperous & Phenomenal Year of Creativity!

Happy 2019: A Productive, Prosperous & Phenomenal Year of Creativity!

I hope you had an eventful and fun New Year. I spent mine with my family playing a card game that was peer-your-pants-hilarious.

I’m sending out bounteous amounts of positive, loving energy to everyone for this exciting new year.

The past year was one of spiritual growth and emotional healing. I did publish one book, but I wasn’t nearly as productive as I wanted to be. My writing career definitely took a back seat to my spiritual and emotional growth and healing. However, I believe it was important to take that time to build a strong foundation upon which I can now build a prosperous and productive writing career.

This year I am going to turn my laser focus on productivity and craft development, because, after all, you can write 100 books a year, but if they’re crap no one will want to read them. <grin>

I’m also going to be putting forth a greater effort into becoming a healthy writer. I recently started doing very simple yoga trying to ease my body–as it kicks and screams–into stretchy poses. My husband and I also started working out at the gym in the evenings. During the last four or five months we had meandered off the road of veganism so we’re currently trying to find our way back to the path…lol

Staying active when you work all day at a desk is challenging but I’m putting forth a serious effort this year. I want to be able to do so many things like hiking and biking and one of my goals is to start running mini-marathons for charity. Also, I need to be able to keep up with my 8-year-old grandson and the new grandson that will be here in about 9 weeks.

With my spiritual awakening, a burning desire to live a full, healthy lifestyle respectful of Mother Earth and the creatures that live here has developed within me. I am so excited to see how brilliant, vivid and passionate life can be when I’m living it healthy, aware, and with a full heart. I have an overwhelming need to start traveling. I am ready for an adventure or two, or three…

I will be completely redeveloping this website sometime this year (well, I will be hiring someone to do it, because, let’s face it, I have a hard enough time trying to figure out social media). I will probably be splitting it off into two sections: Fiction (for all my books, short stories, poetry, and new release updates, etc… and a non-fiction side with this blog.

Some of my plants for this year include starting a YouTube channel and getting into activism and doing charity work. I will also be working on becoming a regular blogger this year and I plan on writing a memoir about my experiences of the last few years on escaping a cult and the lifetime of emotional trauma that it left behind. But also the illuminating and soul-changing experience of starting my life completely over into a beautiful new world where anything and everything is open to me now. The possibilities are endless!

I have a lot of exciting new plans for this year and I am exuberant about what will be coming my way. I’ve come out of the dark cave that I had been living in my whole life and I’m absolutely effervescent about the opportunity I now have to live life fully engaged, aware and with so much enthusiasm, joy and peace. I have been reborn; remade. I am woman, hear me roar!

May 2019 be the most spectacular year ever for all of us!

Happy 2019